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Posted inOpinion, Schools

An evolving movement: New Orleans student takes on creationism

Over a year ago, I profiled Zack Kopplin’s now well-known effort to repeal the ill-named 2008 Louisiana Science Education Act. In short, the law permits the introduction of pseudo-scientific materials into classrooms that cast doubt on established theories such as evolution. Throughout his senior year in high school, Kopplin defended science education in Louisiana from […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board veep quits; school counting on $370G reimbursement; seeks to replace portables

Einstein Charter School’s board of directors announced the resignation of former vice president Roland Doucette as they gathered March 6 for their monthly meeting. Doucette submitted his letter of resignation a day after spirited debate at February’s board meeting. Board President Ramona Perkins acknowledged that his resignation was a big loss, especially in light of […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Would-be bidder miffed as NORA snatches 7th Ward property from the auction block

By Karen Gadbois, The Lens staff writer | Cashier’s check in hand, local developer Peter Gardner showed up at Tuesday’s sheriff’s auction eager to bid on real estate – in particular a raised cottage  on Governor Nicholls Street in the Seventh Ward. Dozens of rundown properties are offered to the highest bidder at bi-monthly auctions […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Amid benefits uncertainties, board tells staff: We're not going to leave you in the lurch

Correction: This story has been corrected to reflect the fact that board president Cassandra Bookman did not say the quote previously attributed to her. It has also been amended and corrected to reflect key points about teachers retirement benefits.  The Algiers Charter School Association met Tuesday night with a crowd of about 100 parents, teachers, […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Low school score does not doom charter extension – but improvements are needed

Correction: An earlier edition of this article was revised to eliminate two errors: Success Prep is up for an extension of its charter, not its renewal. And the added process of evaluation since the Abramson High School scandal will focus on boards as entities of school governance, not the performance of individual board members. At […]