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Posted inGovernment & Politics

NORD Commission again stumbles over Open Meetings Act, delays decision

By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer | A subcommittee of the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission aiming to appoint a new chief executive adjourned a meeting this afternoon without taking any action, after activist attorney Tracie Washington raised fresh concerns about whether the subcommittee had followed public meetings law. Two city councilwomen have now […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics

Council members criticize Serpas for releasing arrest records of homicide victims

By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas defended his department’s approach to stemming homicide in New Orleans before a meeting of the City Council’s Criminal Justice Committee this afternoon. The number of homicides rose by 14 percent during Serpas’ first full year in command from 175 in 2010 to 199 in […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

New school leader named; board debates enrollment increase, 'differentiated' learning

Board meetings over the past few months have been marked by tension over a central question: who is to succeed the charismatic Barbara MacPhee as head of New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School after she retires. Parents and students have attended the past few meetings awaiting a decision. At the Jan.12 meeting, the […]

Posted inCriminal Justice

Deputy charged after inmate's suicide

By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer | District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro has charged former Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Deputy William Thompson with malfeasance in office after the deputy allegedly abandoned his post, allowing an inmate on suicide watch to kill himself. Orleans Parish Sheriff Marlin Gusman issued a warrant for Thompson’s arrest on Aug. 17.  […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Recreation Commission sets important meeting tonight, but doesn't comply with law

By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer | Update, 7:28 p.m.: Landrieu’s spokesman Ryan Berni says the meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow, January 18, at 5 p.m., after all. To clarify, a meeting of the recreation commission foundation was rescheduled. The executive search committee will meet in the Office of Homeland Security conference room […]

Posted inEnvironment, Opinion

500-year protection for under $2 billion? Why wait 20 years to start?

Thursday, The Times-Picayune ran a front-page story on the state’s newly-released 50-year strategy to confront south Louisiana’s coastal loss crisis. Like many previous plans, Louisiana’s 2012 Coastal Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast makes a compelling case for restoration while not downplaying the complexity of the challenge. The master plan draft recommends a variety of […]

Posted inOpinion

Last ONE left standing? Sucker punch whacks 'citizen participation'

By Tim Garrett, The Lens contributing opinion writer | Tuesday’s four-hour meeting of the New Orleans Planning Commission amounted to a public showdown between two rival visions for “citizen participation” in the planning process, something that was mandated by a charter amendment in 2010. The audience A crowd big enough to pack the City Council chamber […]