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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board meeting agenda released

The agenda for the February meeting of ADVOCACY FOR THE ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY IN NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, INC. is reprinted below: AGENDA 1.      Moment of Meditation 2.      Roll Call 3.      Pledge to the Flag 4.      Approval of Agenda 5.      Adoption of Minutes from the January 28, 2012 Meeting 6.      Principal’s Report 7.      Financial Report 8.      […]

Posted inSchools

FirstLine charters showing that cafeteria food can be healthful, affordable and educational

By Jessica Williams, The Lens staff writer | Though school cafeteria cleanliness is an issue that New Orleans school leaders work to address daily, they’ve got another pressing matter on their minds: what’s actually going on the plate. Many school officials say they want to provide students with fresh, healthful meals, but they say it’s […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Reading scores vary; strategic plan needed to monitor teachers; board OKs hiring grant writer

At February’s monthly meeting of Intercultural Charter’s board of directors, six members reported on training they received recently from the Louisiana Charter School Association. Member Larry Boudin called the training informative, particularly as regards the guidance board members should provide to the charter schools they serve. Member Tap Bui said she came away with an […]