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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Projected budget for 2012-13 school year released ahead of Friday's public hearing

Morris Jeff’s proposed budget for 2012-13 anticipates a bigger school and correspondingly higher costs. With at least 60 additional students expected to enroll next fall, revenues are projected to jump by $500,000 to $3 million while expenses rise by $400,000, also to $3 million With the incoming pre-kindergarten class and expansion to fourth grade, next […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

RSD says charter renewal seems likely, provided special-ed issues are overcome

Correction: The headline has been revised: the word renewal replaces extension. Another change is marked in the seventh paragraph. The board of Miller-McCoy Academy met Monday night with a representative of the Recovery School District to discuss the future of the school’s charter. Adam Hawf, the deputy superintendent of the state’s “Type 5” charters reviewed […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Budget, building plans set for public review; slight deficit noted

The Morris Jeff board discussed board expansion, green space, and a year-end deficit at their monthly meeting, May 17. With the board one member short of the seven mandated by charter law, board chair Aesha Rasheed called for nominations at their April meeting. The board responded swiftly, nominating and unanimously approving two new members. The […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Cost jump with move, but budget is in balance; summer school begins June 4

Financial issues dominated the monthly meeting of the Crocker board, on May 19. Consultant Brendell Deamer, a certified public accountant, briefed members on the preliminary budget for the 2012-13 school year. The move to a new building and addition of a fourth-grade class bring the most significant cost increases, Deamer said. These include maintenance of […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

School gets wind of $898G in FEMA funds; board honors Mme. Alford upon retirement

The May 17 board meeting at Ben Franklin High School began a half-hour earlier than usual to honor retiring French teacher Mme. Martine Alford. Jean-Claude Brunet, the French consul general in New Orleans, and cultural attaché Philippe Aldon made Alford a Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques on behalf of the French government. Around 45 […]