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Posted inGovernment & Politics

Road warriors: City officials score $52 million for repairs to flood-damaged side streets

By Ariella Cohen, The Lens staff writer | Good news for your undercarriage – Mayor Mitch Landrieu has secured more FEMA money for street repairs in Broadmoor, the Lakeview area and St. Claude. The combined total of $52 million divided between the neighborhoods came as a result of Landrieu-initiated damage assessments done on neighborhood streets. […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

So you think Mitt’s got it sewed up? Get ready for GOP seams to rip

At the indispensable Library Chronicles, Jeffrey often says the current race for the Republican Party’s 2012 presidential nomination is basically a sham. He thinks all the maneuvering among the candidates, all the media hoopla over the televised debates, and all the changing poll numbers are just bread and circuses, not a true contest among rivals. […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

School finances in the black; academic interventions include special help for 4th graders

E.P. Harney Spirit of Excellence Academy Charter School is ending the year in “pretty good shape fiscally,” financial consultant Sean Berner told the board at its monthly meeting, Dec. 5. Some funds in Harney’s accounts carried over from last year, Berner noted, but the school is “constantly watching the budget” to make sure spending stays […]