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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

New firm selected to design schoolhouse; public meeting on budget slated

Addressing Lake Forest Elementary’s board of directors at their monthly meeting, May 15, principal Mardele Early expressed frustration that results of the state’s standardized LEAP tests still weren’t available. They were scheduled for release on May 18, five day’s before the school’s last day of classes. “I don’t know why they wait so long to […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

GOP strategist saw gay marriage shift gaining momentum

In light of my last post on President Obama’s repositioning in support of gay-marriage rights, I found this recent GOP strategy memo fascinating. It’s from President George W. Bush’s 2004 pollster, Jan R. van Lohuizen. Within a few years of Bush’s re-election victory – after a campaign heavy with anti-gay-marriage tub-thumping, van Lohuizen crunched the […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board irked by last-minute salary hikes; withholds approval of admin raises

At their monthly meeting, May 10, Success Preparatory Academy board members approved teacher pay raises and new hires for next year, but postponed approving raises for administrators until the school’s finance committee has reviewed the details. Board members expressed frustration with next year’s budget numbers, noting that they had approved an extra $100,000 to fund two new […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Funding cuts and low school scores offset by selection for federal arts program

At their monthly board meeting, May 10, ReNEW’s board of directors learned about new programs and cuts to anticipated funding reimbursements. Controller Tanya Bryant said cuts from the federal Title I program – which augments funding for low-income and at-risk students – came to about $80,000 after it was determined that students over age 18 […]