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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Orleans Parish School Board raises concerns over terminated employees in Algiers Charter Schools system

The first round of cuts has surfaced from the Algiers Charter School Association’s bid to improve student performance by terminating and moving around principals, and so far, it’s not only principals who’ve been targeted. At least one termination, at Edna Karr High School, is in violation of the Orleans Parish School Board’s contract with the […]

Posted inSchools

New Beginnings chief operating officer takes state education job

An executive staffer with one of New Orleans’ largest charter school networks has accepted a position with the Louisiana Department of Education. Stephen Osborn, former chief operating officer of the Capital One-New Beginnings Charter School Network, left the organization in mid-May to become assistant superintendent of student programs in the state education department. Osborn is […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Hynes Charter School closes out the school year by approving 2012-2013 budget

The Hynes Charter school board welcomed two new members and approved the 2012-2013 operating budget in its last meeting of the school year, June 11. Helene Derbigny and Cassandra Youmans will replace departing board members, Todd Schexnayder and Elizabeth Sigler. Vice president Alvin Meister will succeed Schexnayder as board president next fall. In other items […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Lycee Francais charter school passes 2012-2013 budget without making it available for public previewC

While it was clear that the budget for the Lycee Francais charter school was going to pass on Monday night, June 11, it was unclear whether the board was acting in accordance with state laws. The board of directors for Lycee Francais de la Nouvelle Orleans unanimously passed the $3.1 million budget Monday night with […]