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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Concerned about personnel issues, protesters mass at closed board meeting

As the Algiers Charter School Association board met behind closed doors Thursday night, a crowd of parents, teachers, and students gathered to protest controversial staffing changes. Some in the crowd at the school association’s central office were  protesting the fate of O. Perry Walker principal Mary Laurie, who faces  transfer to the failing Algiers Technical […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Schools

Legal problem haunts head of School Board's DBE program

The executive director of the Orleans Parish School Board’s disadvantaged business program pleaded guilty in 2000 to a count of misdemeanor theft, a lesser charge than the five felony counts of insurance fraud he was charged with initially. Armer Bright, 48, didn’t disclose his criminal record when he applied for the director position, school board […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Schools

School Board cuts 21 positions, citing federal funding shortfall

The Orleans Parish School Board is planning to cut 21 positions for the coming  school year, officials announced Thursday. The cuts, which will include teachers, social workers, clerical assistants, and other positions, are largely due to nearly $2 million in federal funding reductions, namely from Title I and special-education reimbursements. Two teachers will lose their […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics, Investigations

IG's report slams Sheriff Gusman and Judge Sens for hiring wives

New Orleans Inspector General Ed Quatrevaux issued a report today blasting a cozy wife-hire arrangement between Orleans Parish Sheriff Marlin Gusman and family friend Administrative Judge Paul Sens. The hires, first reported earlier this year by The Lens and our reporting partners at WVUE-Fox 8, reeked of “impropriety” but were not criminal, the report concluded. As […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics

Budgetary shell game: Case of the missing $200G for juvy monitors

How much money did the City of New Orleans appropriate for Orleans Parish Sheriff Marlin Gusman’s Electronic Monitoring Program this year? a)     $200,000 b)     $504,000 c)     $600,000 d)     $704,000 e)     $904,000 f)     all of the above g)     none of the above (Warning: It’s a trick question.) If your guiding document is the adopted New Orleans […]