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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Teachers face new curriculum and evaluation challenges; color codes track classroom progress

The October 17th meeting of Lake Forest Elementary Charter School Board focused on the array of changes teachers face this year.  Teachers have a new curriculum to implement, a new evaluation system, a slew of education bills in the legislature that might effect them and — according to Principal Mardele Early — a lot of […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

School partners with local celebrities, scrambles to fix Isaac damage

Success Prep Academy school leaders have arranged unique partnerships with several prominent New Orleans residents including Chef John Besh, local musician Irvin Mayfield and author Ruby Bridges. Erik Kelt, Middle School Assistant Principal, told board members that he met or made contact with each of the individuals to see how they can impact the school and its students. […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Vouchers, low school scores cut enrollment; budget gap explained

Between 20 and 25 percent cumulatively of last year’s top undergraduates did not re-enroll in ReNEW schools this year, chief executive officer Gary Robichaux told the charter management organization’s board of directors at their monthly meeting in October. Robichaux cited the state voucher program and low school performance scores—both SciTech and Batiste Cultural Arts Academy […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Decline in enrollment may require dismissing some faculty members

The official Oct. 1 enrollment count came in far below last year’s number at Intercultural Charter School. Facing proportionately decreased revenue, at their October monthly meeting the board of directors approved a large reduction in the school’s projected budget that will likely require faculty dismissals. “This is a very painful experience,” board president Cam Thanh […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Investigations

City wary of opening its coffers, leaving jail reforms at an impasse

The city’s reluctance to provide Sheriff Marlin Gusman with a financial bailout continues to stymie movement toward reforming Orleans Parish Prison under terms of a federal consent decree — despite fresh reports of  violence and unconstitutional conditions at Gusman’s  sprawling jail complex. At the heart of the impasse: The Landrieu administration refuses to give Gusman […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Schools

Lycée parents complain to BESE about pricey fees for tutoring

Parents complained today before the state’s top education board that they had to pay a $250 application fee to enroll their children in Lycée Français de la Nouvelle Orleans, the French-immersion charter school, and upwards of $150 a week to get them extra tutoring. They also complained to the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education that […]