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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board mulls OPSB oversight for Akili, charter app for Paul Habans Elementary

Members of the board that governs Crescent City Schools discussed Akili Academy’s possible switch to Orleans Parish School Board governance and a petition that could help guide that process at their Oct. 17 board meeting. They also discussed the general progress of Akili and a pending application to charter Paul Habans Elementary. Board members held […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board discusses enrollment boost, new hires and LEAP prep classes

Enrollment numbers came in much higher than expected at McDonogh City Park Academy, Principal Christine Mitchell announced at the board’s October 16 monthly meeting. The current enrollment of  420 marks the highest total since New Orleans Charter School Foundation took over the school, according to Mitchell. The projected budget for the 2012-2013 school-year was based […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board tightens credit card policies, sets academic goals

Collegiate Academies board of directors met Wednesday night at the new George Washington Carver High School campus to discuss committee goals for the upcoming school year, including the establishment of firm guidelines on credit card use throughout the charter management system. With the addition of new charters and new campuses this year, the board agreed […]