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Posted inGovernment & Politics, Land Use

Mission accomplished: Landrieu administration promises one thing on blight, delivers another

The mayor promised to remediate 10,000 blighted properties in New Orleans. In January, he announced he had met his goal. But that was based on a study of all properties that had been fixed up, regardless of whether the city got involved. The city is now cited as a model for blight reduction, but there’s no official count of properties that have been remediated.

Posted inCharter Schools

After-school programs can continue, thanks to renewed community-center funding

After-school tutoring and enrichment will continue at Friends of King’s two schools. State education officials renewed Friends of King’s contract with the federal 21st Century Community Learning Center Program, which enables schools to provide those services. The organization first received the $480,000 contract last July. That amount will be renewed again in 2015, pending state […]