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Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics

Landrieu asks City Council to move appeals of camera-generated tickets to Traffic Court

By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer | Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s office this morning will place an ordinance before the City Council that, if approved, would move contested traffic-camera tickets from Civil Court to Traffic Court, a move that could raise millions of dollars for Traffic Court. Landrieu’s spokesman, Ryan Berni, confirmed the move. “The […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

Mockery of scientific research comes back to haunt Bobby Jindal

A recent News Star editorial praised Governor Bobby Jindal’s leadership as the state and the Army Corps of Engineers take historic steps to manage the swollen Mississippi River. Titled “Jindal steps up in time of need,” the opinion piece commends our governor’s data-driven, pro-active approach to the situation.  I’ll commend Jindal as well. He’s skilled […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Investigations

Dejean kept Gert Town board in the dark, ex-chairman of secretive non-profit contends

By Jessica Williams, The Lens staff writer | The embattled director of a Gert Town community fund has been as reluctant to share information with her board as with the community she is meant to serve, according to a former board chairman. An investigative report published last week by The Lens noted neighborhood concern that […]