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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Moving day ahead for several KIPP schools; gala brings $2.2M fundraising goal within reach

The KIPP New Orleans school board met Feb. 9 to discuss school relocations and to prepare for their annual fundraiser luncheon. KIPP New Orleans holds six charters and operates nine schools across New Orleans, from the French Quarter to Central City to Bywater. A planned move puts KIPP within easier reach of students who live […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Enrollment reality requires amended budget; cuts hit school supplies, data manager post

With an enrollment 26 fewer students than expected, the board of Success Preparatory Academy has had to approve a budget amended to reflect cuts to several departments. The original budget was based on 403 students enrolled in the school, Daniel O’Connell, director of finance, told the board at its Feb. 9 meeting. But there were […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Strong application season requires lotteries; hands-on gardening project to begin at zoo

The board of Lycée Français de la Nouvelle-Orléans has approved Hema Banangada as its interim treasurer. Banangada replaces outgoing board treasurer Mignhon Tourné, who was absent. The vote followed disagreement over precisely what the bylaws had to say about voting in a new officer during an ex-officer’s unfinished term. Board chairman Andrew Abrams said that […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Push to raise teacher retirement age also raises eyebrows; access to public pensions in doubt

Principal Mardele Early used the Feb. 14 meeting of Lake Forest Elementary’s board of directors to urge close attention to a handout from the governor’s office detailing an agenda of possible school reforms. “You really need to read through it and see some of things that are being proposed by Governor Jindal,” Early said. “It […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

Talk about a bit of chutzpah: Asking for overtime after being caught gambling

As I recall, the quintessential example of “chutzpah” is when a kid kills his parents over and over again but keeps expecting different results. Now… that’s always seemed like an insane definition to me. It doesn’t really make that much sense either, when you think about it (which I don’t recommend). So over the years […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Harry Blumenthal joins board

New Orleans businessman Harry Blumenthal has joined the governing board of International High School. He is the former president and chief executive of Blumenthal Print Works Inc. in New Orleans. Blumenthal’s addition unanimously was approved Jan. 18 by the charter school board. Board members said Blumenthal’s extensive experience with business would not only aid the […]