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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Interim CEO and academic officer named – to mixed response; enrollment rises

Algiers Charter Schools Association’s board has approved Stuart Gay, the association’s chief financial officer, to serve as interim chief executive officer of the charter management organization, succeeding Andrea Thomas-Reynolds who did not seek to renew her contract. The board’s action, at its May 23 monthly meeting, was greeted with applause from the audience. The crowd […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Restroom and locker upgrades scheduled as OPSB drags feet on larger overhaul

Three of the first-floor restrooms at Audubon’s Carrollton Avenue campus will be renovated this summer and students will get new lockers, board members learned at their monthly meeting, May 26. The upgrades are long overdue, school officials said. The French and Montessori Education board approved the $62,700 contract with Crescent Commercial Construction for the restrooms and a $26,191 […]