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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

After first week of school, KIPP enrollment below expectations

Lower than expected enrollment figures were revealed at the KIPP New Orleans board meeting August 16. They showed that, after the first week of classes, KIPP enrollment is four percent under the budgeted student count. Some board members worried that missing out on expected per-pupil funding from the state may affect the organization’s finances in an already […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Temporary campus lined up for next year; enrollment projected to reach target

The school remains on track to move to a temporary site for the 2013-2014 school year, the Sophie B. Wright Charter School board announced at its monthly meeting, Aug. 15. Pending renovation of the Napoleon Avenue building, the school will occupy portable classrooms at the former James Derham Junior High School in the Hoffman Triangle […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Interim CEO named; enrollment nears targets; new cafeteria service lined up

At its monthly meeting, July 31, the New Beginnings School Foundation introduced Helene Derbigny as interim chief executive officer and announced  formation of a committee to replace executives who have resigned. The board also announced plans to implement a new teacher training and evaluation system. Derbigny, director of field experiences at the University of New […]

Posted inInside the News Room

Lens co-founder wins award for report on NOPD victim policy

Karen Gadbois, co-founder of The Lens and a staff writer, is the 2012 recipient of the Society of Professional Journalists’ annual Ethics in Journalism Award, the organization announced today. Previous winners include writers for The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times. Entries are considered each year, but the organization withholds […]