Homer A. Plessy’s board reviewed the latest steps taken to support its fledgling school Tuesday night.

The meeting convened at 6:10 a.m., and began with a report by Head of School Joan Reilly on new procedures instituted to extend planning time for teachers. The procedures regroup the 1st and 2nd graders into two reading groups based on ability gleaned from assessment data.

Reilly also said that Plessy applied for an i3 grant through the Success For All Foundation to afford instructional materials and other resources. The Lens reported last month that the school required nearly $150,000 to support itself through 2013-2014.

Board President Ben McCleish continued the funding discussion by reporting on the school’s effort to engage local businesses to assist the school, including a “Plessy Night” held by Pizza Delicious.

The board has raised $7,900 since last month in new fundraising revenue.

In school governance matters, April Bedford and Gilda Armstrong-Butler were unanimously elected to the board. Bedford is a University of New Orleans professor of curriculum and instruction, and Armstrong-Butler, who holds a masters in social work, brings approximately 40 years of experience in assisting children through social services.

“They will both add incredible skill to our board,” McCleish said.

In other news, Melissa Fox of 4th Sector Solutions Inc. discussed ongoing efforts to track the cost of student meals using an automated point of sale system, which improves upon previous paper-based methods.

Besides McCleish, board members Nigel Fields, Randy Hutchinson, Jackson Knowles, Brooke Muntean and Michael Pizzolato attended the meeting, which adjourned at 6:54 pm. Bob Brian and Keith Plessy were absent.