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Posted inCriminal Justice

Jail advisory group will not open meetings to the public, administration says

Though top city officials have convened a group to advise on a controversial proposed expansion of the Orleans Parish Prison, the group’s meetings are not open to the public because it is not a “formal working group,” Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s director of intergovernmental affairs told The Lens. The Landrieu administration has “convened different stakeholders” to gather and […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Landrieu depending on furlough-averse City Council to balance this year’s budget

Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s plan to balance this year’s budget relies on the cooperation of the City Council, which has already voiced serious opposition to one of his moves: furloughing city employees. In seeking approval of this year’s budget, former Ray Nagin asked the council to approve a plan requiring city employees to take 12 unpaid […]