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Posted inGovernment & Politics

A week before hospital groundbreaking, Vitter amps up opposition in letter to HUD

U.S. Sen. David Vitter has long criticized the state’s shaky financing plans to replace Charity Hospital with a new $1.2 billion Louisiana State University-owned teaching hospital. Today the Louisiana Republican made that concern clear in a letter to  U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan urging him not to put taxpayers on the hook […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

City's Office of Neighborhood Engagement not yet ready to engage with everyone

By Karen Gadbois, The Lens staff writer | Mayor Mitch Landrieu wants some advice from neighborhood leaders on how he should set up his newly created Office of Neighborhood Engagement – but he only wants it from selected leaders, with no press coverage allowed. Tonight’s invitation-only event is dubbed as a Neighborhood Engagement Charrette. The […]

Posted inOpinion

Don't go off the grid with second hospital

By Maggie Tishman and Jack Davis, guest opinion writers | For centuries, New Orleans’s largely intact street grid has fostered transportation efficiency, connectivity and the success of our compact and walkable neighborhoods. However, the grid is threatened by the $2.5-billion hospital complexes planned for Mid-City. The first of the two, the Veterans Affairs Hospital, has […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Land Use

City Council hops aboard plan to extend streetcar service to Bywater's far edge

By Ariella Cohen, The Lens staff writer | The City Council is throwing its weight behind Bywater residents and businesses calling on the Regional Transit Authority to expand streetcar service to the neighborhood’s Poland Avenue eastern boundary. The council today approved a resolution requesting that the agency extend a planned French Quarter line another mile beyond […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Investigations

Lens probe prompts City Hall to take a closer look at low-ball boathouse leases

By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer | Mayor Mitch Landrieu has promised to revisit Municipal Yacht Harbor boathouse leases to ensure that taxpayers are getting a fair deal. The administration’s announcement comes a day after an investigation by The Lens and FOX8 News revealed that the leases are going for just $200 a month, […]