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Posted inOpinion

Failure of climate talks imperils nowhere more than state coast

December’s climate change conference in Durban, South Africa, was, as these conferences usually are, more style than substance. Small steps were taken here and there – the Green Climate Fund, formation of new ad hoc committees, increased support to developing countries – but ultimately, delegates walked away without a legally binding agreement to reduce the […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board no-shows make for a voteless meeting; academic benchmark scores called 'alarming'

Enforcement and possible amendment of the organization’s rules dominated discussion at the monthly meeting of the board that governs Andrew H. Wilson Charter  School, but no votes could be taken because not enough members showed up for the Jan. 24 session. Four of eight members of the Broadmoor Charter School Board were present, but Darek […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics

Despite recent practices, NOPD silent on arrest record of Samaritan killed in Algiers

Update, 2:35: The city, through its Nola Ready alert system, has released the victim’s criminal record.   By Karen Gadbois, The Lens staff writer | In what appears to be a departure from the recent New Orleans Police Department practice of releasing criminal records of homicide victims, the department has not released the arrest record […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Mayor, independent NORD commission reach same conclusion; 4 to interview for top job

By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer | A subcommittee of the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission aiming to recommend a new chief executive insisted this afternoon that it is independent, despite following Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s latest wishes on the issue to the letter. An assistant city attorney working with the subcommittee also appeared to […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Seniors rack up college acceptances; RSD facilities audit finds no major problems

A recent Recovery School District review of facilities and the acceptance of graduating seniors by four-year colleges were key topics under discussion at the monthly meeting of the Miller-McCoy Academy board, Jan. 23. The RSD audit found no major problems, facilities committee chair Nat Jones reported. But the school must take responsibility for cleaning the […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board briefed by RSD school performance exec; move to Frantz Elementary campus discussed

Benjamin E. Mays Preparatory School’s board of directors welcomed Adam Hawf from the Recovery School District to their monthly meeting, Jan. 23. Hawf answered questions about the Office of School Performance, which he has been leading  as executive director since November. Hawf made brief remarks, then fielded questions – and asked some. Hawf promised his […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

State OKs post-Edison management plan; ESL needs special support, board learns

The Intercultural Charter School’s education and financial plans have been approved by both the Recovery School District and the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, ICS board members learned at their Jan. 19 monthly meeting. During the meeting the board voted and approved the self-management plan that was requested by BESE when the school […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Smooth move to temporary digs in Gentilly; funding for Carrollton facility tops $2 million

So far, students and faculty at Audubon Charter School have a lot to celebrate this semester. At the Jan. 21 meeting of F.A.M.E., the school’s board of directors, the latest news on their temporary Gentilly campus was all positive. “We have transitioned to the Gentilly campus and it’s going really well. On the first day, […]