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Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

Obama catches gay marriage trend, but what about Louisiana?

Last week President Barack Obama publicly unveiled his now fully “evolved” belief that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. Media reports called his announcement a “watershed move.”  I disagree. While Obama’s statement might be historic, it merely follows a watershed change in American attitude that occurred over a year ago. It’s important to remember […]

Posted inSchools

Union cries foul over firing of custodians at six RSD schools

Former custodians at six of the Recovery School District’s direct-run schools say their former district-contracted employer fired them last week without just cause. Custodians say representatives from ARAMARK, a Philadelphia-based service corporation that RSD contracted with on April 1 for janitorial services, told them on May 1 they didn’t pass the probationary period that’s standard […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Will repairs be finished in time? Receivables near half-million mark; bylaws revamped

Members of the Einstein Charter School board of directors approved new bylaws at their monthly meeting, May 1.  The board had been revising the bylaws throughout the school year. Member Laurin Jacobsen reviewed changes with the board prior to the vote: Terms will last two years, with a limit of two consecutive terms. Members may […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Enrollment jumps and wait-list grows; MacFetters credits 'One App' and hard work

Akili Academy is at full capacity with a waiting list of students seeking admission to the school, board members learned at their monthly meeting, April 30. Akili principal Julie MacFetters credited the Recovery School District’s newly centralized “One App” process with providing the quick feedback on projected enrollment. The school averages about 60 students per […]