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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

King budget for 2012-13 nears $8 million; Craig expects to spend $3.7 million

The Friends of King School Board released its budget for the 2012-13 school year at Martin Luther King Science and Technology Charter.   It also released a budget for Joseph A. Craig Elementary, which the board will begin running in the coming year. Based on an anticipated enrollment of 685 students, the school expects to receive […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics

NOPD has federal oversight; sheriff next? Holder won't say

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder offered a curiously nonresponsive answer to the question that was on many people’s mind Tuesday afternoon: Now that the New Orleans Police Department’s consent decree with the federal government has been finalized, is the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office next? Holder was joined by city officials, federal agents and police brass […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Hiring procedures: way too complicated or a valid safeguard against bad apples?

The board’s governance committee met July 19 to discuss the policy manual for the all three International School of Louisiana campuses. The committee focused in particular on hiring procedures, some of which were condemned as overly bureaucratic. Among other stipulations, applicants must undergo “a minimum of two rounds of interviews with more than one current […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics

Councilwoman surprised by new jail talk; could house another 600

City Councilwoman Susan Guidry told The Lens recently that a major new jailhouse under discussion between the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office and the Landrieu Administration was news – unwelcome news – to her. The “Phase III Concept” jail plan would add yet another FEMA-funded lockup to the Orleans Parish Prison campus, with between 600 and […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Dual enrollment's strengths weighed against possible funding shortfall

Dual enrollment was a focus of Ben Franklin High School’s monthly board meeting, July 19. The board also passed its 2012-13 budget and went into executive session to discuss the school’s principal and chief executive officer, Timothy Rusnak. Board member Patricia Adams, who is of counsel to the University of New Orleans, informed the board […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Surging enrollment eases sharp cutbacks in projected spending for 2012-13

With the projected student count rising from 395 to 452, McDonogh City Park Academy’s 2012-13 budget will rise accordingly, the board learned at its monthly meeting, July 17.  More students means more expenses, but also more revenues; just how much more remains to be determined, finance director Keeanyu Dupre said. Dupre said the school was […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Budget year ends with healthy surplus; new staffer will target staying in college

The Collegiate Academies school board met July 18 to review the year-end financial picture, discuss parent handbook revisions, and thank retiring board members. The 2011-2012 school year left Collegiate Academies with a surplus of $243,000, at least  $87,000 of it the result of successful fundraising over and above set goals. This year, the finance committee […]