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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Charter board strategizes privately despite open-meetings law

The board of New Orleans College Preparatory Academies held an unusual three-and-a-half hour closed session Saturday, in part to discuss matters that public bodies aren’t allowed to talk about privately. Further, members emerged from the closed-door session and approved two measures, neither of which were on the agenda and without providing a reason for doing […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board approves one-time faculty salary boost; leaders discuss enrollment with RSD

Lusher Charter School’s board of directors renewed the contract of the school’s chief executive officer and gave her and the school’s faculty a one-time pay bump at its monthly board meeting Saturday. Board members also discussed plans to refurbish school buildings, and work with the Recovery School District to tailor its centralized enrollment process to […]

Posted inCharter Schools

Charter board meets in private, disregards open-meetings law to discuss strategy for new school

The board of New Orleans College Preparatory Academies held an unusual three-and-a-half hour closed session Saturday, emerging to announce that it was going to apply take action regarding its recent application to the state to run another charter school – a measure that wasn’t on the board’s agenda. Correction: School officials said Monday that the action […]