The merger comes as citywide enrollment continues to decline
Gas export terminals pose a growing and invisible threat: air pollution
Residents around existing LNG facilities in Louisiana already notice the smell and irritants from nearby terminals. With more under construction, air quality is poised to worsen.
Lycée students walk out to support fired teacher
Parents and students say the school’s civics teacher was fired after informing students they could attend public meetings.
Lawsuit alleges Port of South Louisiana violated state sunshine law
Emails exchanged before the meeting circumvented the state’s Open Meetings Law, lawyers argue.
Who benefits from TOPS? It just became harder to know.
The program’s need-blind structure means that the most disadvantaged students are hit hardest by reductions.
Alleged exclusion of people with felonies from jury pool doesn’t warrant new trial, judge rules
Jury summonses continued to list outdated qualifications after a state law change in 2021.
Behind The Lens episode 193: ‘It really is kind of horrifying’
Reporter Nick Chrastil on the criminal court’s decision to halt jury trials and reporter Josh Rosenberg discusses “forever chemicals” found in the Mississippi River.
After halting Criminal Court jury trials, hearing reveals new details on juror summons
Lawyers and advocates argue jurors with felony convictions have been improperly excluded from jury pools.
‘Forever Chemicals’ detected at five locations in Lower Mississippi River
The federal government has issued advisories, but not yet regulatory standards, for some PFAS chemicals.
Jury trials in New Orleans criminal court halted through February
Eligible jurors may have been excluded as far back as Aug. 2021 when a new state law went into effect.