Some people who get speeding tickets are given the option to write a check to the local district attorney’s office, which keeps the ticket out of court and off their driving record. The money stays with the DA. Public defenders, which rely on revenue from traffic tickets in court, say these diversion programs have hurt their budgets.
Memo to would-be mayors: To fight crime and violence, think jobs, jobs, jobs
Town hall meeting Tuesday to brainstorm economic equity
Fake subpoena could factor into Cardell Hayes’ appeal of manslaughter conviction
The DA’s office sent a fake subpoena to the mother of Hayes’ son.
How to escape political paralysis: Jefferson Bible points toward common ground
A strategy for healing a divided nation
The IRS has a lien on LaToya Cantrell’s house for about $28,000 in unpaid income taxes
Cantrell said a bank made a mistake in not paying the debt several years ago.
Former head of charter group led by school district employees may return to public employment
Nicolette London quit her job at the Orleans Parish school district to become CEO of ExCEED. Now she wants to return.
Two years later, no resolution in case of SciTech Academy employee charged with molesting a boy
Ronald Johnson left the school the day after the alleged incident. His case has been delayed 15 times.
Can it be saved? Art Deco classic needs — and deserves — landmark designation
Hearing Thursday could seal the fate of this neglected masterpiece.
Let’s make absentee property owners pay a price for emptying out our neighborhoods
Think of it as a reverse Homestead Exemption?
Judge tosses discrimination lawsuit by former parking administrator against city of New Orleans
The judge said Zepporiah Edmonds didn’t back up her allegations of retaliation and discrimination.