Over the past few weeks I have had the chance to speak to and befriend many homeowners who are trying to get off this list. For some reason may New Orleanians have chosen to believe that the displaced property owner is the enemy.
Yesterday Ryan and his crew from “PNOLA”:http://www.pnola.org/ helped Beverly clean out her house.

The follow up and care and concern he exhibited for Beverly and her house was amazing, as well as reassuring that people understand the rugged nature of these old houses. This house had very little water inside yet all of the contractors she has spoken to want to rip out the plaster and lath.

This house belonged to Beverly’s mother who passed away after the storm. It was a pretty emotional week for her moving her mothers belongings into a Pod, and still she is very anxious about having her house targeted for demolition.
A lawsuit has just been announced in the “T-P”:http://www.nola.com/timespic/stories/index.ssf?/base/news-9/1187852802307830.xml&coll=1
I know some of the people named in the suit, these are the bedrock of our City, these are not the people we want to run out of the City.
The disconnect at City Hall is great, and we will continue to advocate for transparency where there has been none.