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Posted inNew OrLEaNS

Fess: The SongByrd of N.O.

As a vinyl .45 record that reads ‘Atlantic’ flips onto a record player, the piano in the background grows louder and more energetic, punctuated by drums and horns. Then here comes the signature whistling that every New Orleans kid recognizes — it’s from the Professor Longhair song, “Go to the Mardi Gras.” Longhair died in […]

Posted inEnvironment

Environmental Forum: Sharing Our Stories

On Tuesday, May 7th The Lens and Hip Hop Caucus will present an Environmental Justice Media Roundtable focussing on Louisiana Climate Change.  The event, Environmental Forum: Sharing Our Stories, will feature local media outlets and community activists. Each panelist will share an environmental story that is important to their community and how they did this […]

Posted inOpinion

Needed: a grid for the future

When the power goes out, it shuts down the economy and potentially costs lives. And while we can’t control the weather, better-planned transmission lines can help ensure that power outages happen less frequently and are less costly when they do occur. What we need is a buildout of regional transmission lines across our state and […]