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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

2601 Gravier Tulane Gravier {3rd Ward}

HISTORIC DISTRICT LANDMARKS COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA 9:30 a.m., Friday, Oct. 13, 2006 City Council Chambers, City Hall Result: APPROVED INDIVIDUAL LANDMARK DEMOLITION. Request for the demolition of building (Falstaff Brewery) to create a surface level parking lot. Owner, Falstaff I Associates, LLC. Applicant, Tad Mondale. (Deferred from last month) RESULT: Approved contingent on approval of […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

3504 3508 3510 4th Street

3504 Fourth St. Jerusalem Baptist Church has applied to demolish this bracketed shotgun double former residence to be replaced with a new sanctuary building built using Bush-Clinton funds awarded to faith-based programs and designed by Arriaga & Arriaga for Arch-Dynamica. *APPROVED* 3508-10 Fourth St. Jerusalem Baptist Church has applied to demolish this bracketed shotgun double […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Corner Store & Melpomene and Constance

I went to a District 3 planning meeting today and saw “Richard Campanella”: I have been reading his latest book “Geographies of New Orleans”: and have been very impressed with the variety of information. The way in which it is presented and the ability it has to make you see New Orleans in yet another […]

Posted inBest of Squandered Heritage Vintage, Squandered Heritage Vintage

Lisa Mazique and the Clio Street Nightmare

I remember when this story was first covered by the “Times Picayune”: and in looking found the blog of the folks who live next door to it. I had done some research on this house and the story of the move to this location. What is difficult to fathom is the size of this house. […]