Yesterday this house on Delachaise “collapsed.”: The reason I had a photo of it is that it was on an Imminent Danger of Collapse list. So while the City had cited it 4 times as a Health threat and then declared it officially in Danger of Collapse it stood for 7 more months. There seems […]
NOAH said they remediated it Looks like NORA owns it Owner Owner Name NEW ORLEANS REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Address 1340 POYDRAS STREET SUITE 1152 City / State / Zip NEW ORLEANS LA 70112 Parcel Property Address 3313 1ST ST UPDATE This property is only one example of the endless properties which seem to skirt the rules. […]
A good day for good old houses
a number of important houses were spared today, “click here and see”:
NCDC meeting July 7
Here is a “link”: to the entire agenda.
Speaking of Code Enforcement
This house was in the process of being primed to paint it The City cited it for code violation Here is it 2 weeks later.. Now the owner has to go to City Hall to prove the house is not in violation.
Happy 4th
Here is our holiday NOAH house. owned by a family trust and just hauled into Code Enforcement Court NOAH claims to have remediated it, but if they did it would have been in violation of the program guidelines. But by the looks of it NOAH did not board and gut they just claimed to have […]
Another NOAH property
So here we have a program for the elderly and seniors claiming to have done work for “seniors and the poor”: but this house which is owned by Orleans Metroplitan Housing is on the list. So go back in your time machines and let’s revisit “Orleans Metropolitan Housing”: and then take another look at this […]
15 million ???..really?..
“link to article”: H/T to the “Librarians”:
Todays NOAH house
This house is located at 136 S Alexander and it is listed as “remediated” by NOAH. Well it does not look remediated, in fact it is owned not by an elderly homeowner, which is called for in the guidelines. It is owned by a negligent property owner who has already had 2 houses collapse.
What is up with this?
I have not been able to find the exact value of the contract. Maybe one of my “smarter”: “faster”: “friends”: can help. All I know is New Orleans Affordable Housing was awarded a contract between 2 and 4 million dollars to gut and remediate homes. This is the tip of the iceberg, or should I […]