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Posted inGovernment & Politics

Martin Wine Cellar wants to demolish Uptown buildings

Martin Wine Cellar is asking the city for permission to demolish its old Uptown location on Baronne Street, along with five nearby structures. The Neighborhood Conservation District Committee will consider the demolition applications at its Feb. 1 meeting and  make a recommendation to the city’s Safety and Permits Department. The request includes, four corner properties, […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Who's more distracted?

Today in a front-page story, The Times-Picayune reported on a survey by pollster Dr. Silas Lee that found 63 percent of New Orleanians expect the Super Bowl and/or Mardi Gras to be a “major distraction” from that other February event, citywide elections. No freakin’ duh. That’s like asking whether you dress differently when it is […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

City hasn't said what recovery projects are delayed by council's questions

Grandstanding is a tradition as old as politics itself. Knowing that, The Lens was not surprised to hear the city’s deputy chief administrative officer accuse inquisitive City Council members of holding up progress at Thursday’s City Council meeting. As we wrote Friday, deputy CAO Cynthia Sylvain-Lear wanted the council to roll over a list of […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

2 Louisiana companies buck intent of Supreme Court ruling

Thursday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling lets corporations, unions and interest groups spend on ads for or against candidates without making financial disclosures. Some corporations, including at least two in Louisiana, have decided to voluntarily report to the public their political expenditures nonetheless. Well in advance of this week’s decision, the Center for Political Accountability had […]