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Posted inGovernment & Politics

Public comments invited on plan to spend $28.8 million

City officials will hold a public hearing tonight on how to spend $28.8 million in federal anti-poverty and homelessness grants. The federal money, computed using formulas that take into account local poverty rates, is a key source for emergency shelter, affordable housing and social-service programs for low-income, homeless or HIV-positive Louisiana residents. In 2009, an […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

Here’s a powerful tip for Cao: Don’t say “shagalicious”

The billboard on Louisiana Avenue reads, “Did you know that Joseph Cao secured over $1 million for neighborhood redevelopment?” It refers viewers to, which redirects them to the website for the Republican’s campaign to win re-election to Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District. One MILLION dollars. That’s more than three bucks per resident! It’s an unintentionally […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

For Jindal, it’s better to be lucky than accountable

For a part-time governor, Bobby Jindal sure enjoys more than his share of luck. Not so much the “tipped-football-splits-the-uprights” lucky, more like a “self-serving-ambition-meets-opportunity” lucky. Jindal’s received high marks for his administration’s posturing response during the oil gusher disaster. Most Louisianans seem to agree with Times-Picayune columnist Stephanie Grace, who wrote back in May that […]