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Posted inGovernment & Politics

Planning chief storms out of closed session called to evaluate her performance

Yolanda Rodriguez, long-time executive director of the New Orleans City Planning Commission, stormed out of a closed executive session 20 minutes after it began Tuesday afternoon. Commission members did not elaborate on Rodriguez’ evident annoyance, and she could not be reached for comment. A day earlier, commission chairman Craig Mitchell had informed Rodriguez via email […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Building plan approved despite questions about number of classrooms; charter renewal looms

The board of Miller-McCoy Academy met on April 23 to discuss next month’s charter renewal process. The board expects their financial statements, facilities and state test scores to be evaluated before an extension of the charter is approved. The facilities and finance committees both expressed confidence in their ability to meet Recovery School District standards, but no […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board agrees to share new building with Encore elementary; week of intense testing ends

The board of Crocker Arts and Technology School voted unanimously at their monthly meeting, April 21, to allow Encore Academy to share Crocker’s new space at 2301 Marengo St. for the next two years, a decision backed by the Recovery School District but left to the board’s discretion. Encore was on hand to present the […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

LEAP test ordeal is over – but did students rush through the exams? Enrollment is a worry

Directors of McDonogh City Park Academy welcomed two new board members during their monthly meeting, April 17: Brittany Major and Monica Candal. Major recently moved back to New Orleans from Atlanta and works with the city in economic development. Candal works with Stand for Children, a non-profit, and describes herself as passionate about parental involvement […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Slew of rising eighth graders applying for admission; room for only about 5 percent

With 95 percent of the school’s first graduating class accepted by a four-year college, Sci Academy  is seeing increased interest among prospective ninth-grade enrollees, the school’ board of directors learned at its April board meeting. As of April 1, 377 current eighth-graders listed Sci Academy on their high school applications, a 14 percent rise from […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Prospects for charter renewal look good, RSD rep advises; but SPS 75 still a stretch

As it seeks extension and/or renewal of its type-5 charter, ARISE Academy has received a glowing initial assessment report from the Recovery School District’s Office of School Performance, ARISE board members learned at their monthly meeting, April 18. Present at the meeting, RSD’s deputy superintendent of portfolios Adam Hawf announced that his office finds Arise […]

Posted inSchools

Recovery School District centralizes expulsion process in bid for equity at all 66 schools

By Jessica Williams, The Lens staff writer | To make expulsion hearings more equitable for Recovery School District students, the state-run agency will coordinate hearings at its 66 New Orleans schools through a central office. The RSD Expulsion Hearing Office, once responsible for conducting hearings only at schools the district runs directly, will now oversee […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Board trims some funding requests but approves four; seeks to develop protocol

The Warren Easton Board of Directors granted requests for funding from several groups at their monthly meeting, April 18. The board unanimously approved the dance team’s request for $3,000 to cover travel expenses to nationals in Florida.  The team won the state competition and will compete in Orlando at the end of June. The Parent […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Head won far fewer precincts, but turned out more voters, map of at-large results shows

By Jessica Williams, The Lens staff writer | Racial crossover voting and low black voter turnout appear to be the keys to City Councilwoman Stacy Head’s narrow victory Saturday in the election for an at-large seat. Head, who is white, won far fewer precincts than challenger Cynthia Willard-Lewis, who is black, but the turnout was […]