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Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

Andrew Wilson Charter School's budget expected to increase 9.7 percent

At the June 4 annual budget hearing, Andrew Wilson Charter School Principal Logan Crowe and Director of Operations Darius Munchak projected a nearly 10 percent increase for the 2012-2013 budget over last year’s actual expenditures. The school spent about $4.7 million last year and expects to spend less than $5.2 million in this upcoming school […]

Posted inCharter Schools, Schools

[Corrected:] School faces $1.4 million deficit; leaders will trim resources, increase enrollment

Correction: An earlier version of this report mistakenly described NOCP’s deficit as a debt. New Orleans College Prep Charter School faces a $1.4 million debt deficit that, if left as is, could persist into the 2013-2014 school year. To prevent that, the school has decided to beef up its enrollment, terminate one position, and cut […]