Its Monday evening forums have gained a central place in black community politics.
New Orleans City Council eliminates bail requirements for most petty crimes
People accused of minor crimes in Municipal Court will be released automatically if they promise to appear in court.
ReNEW is working on a fix to keep students off a roof at its Carrollton building
They want to install a fence to prevent anyone from walking from a fire escape to the edge of the roof.
McKnight killing shows how Louisiana’s ‘stand your ground’ law codifies bigotry
What passes for justice in a state where the NRA writes gun laws.
Scientists say Louisiana’s latest projections for coastal flooding are grim, but realistic
The worst-case scenario in the 2012 Master Plan is the best-case in the 2017 one.
Orleans sheriff plans new facility for inmates who need mental-health and medical care
Sheriff Marlin Gusman has wanted to build such a facility, but the proposal is smaller than what he has envisioned.
Coastal flooding may force thousands of homes in Louisiana to be elevated or bought out
The latest version of the state’s coastal restoration plan, released today, offers a much grimmer view of the future than before. Twice as much land could be lost if the state does nothing. Even if everything works as planned, about 27,000 buildings may have to be elevated, flood-proofed or bought out, including about 5,900 in St. Tammany.
Native Americans of Grand Bayou seeking help to remain in homeland
When the state officials drew the cost-benefit limits of expensive coastal restoration on a map of coastal Louisiana, some Native Americans found themselves on the wrong side of a government decision. Again. They’d like justice, but they’ll settle for help in maintaining their way of life. Neither is likely.
Behind the crackle of guns in a violent city: a search for peace, a brush with death
“I woke up in a jumble of tubes and stapled flesh.”
Lens lawsuit over city’s purchasing records kicked back for a thorough hearing
Appeals court said judge didn’t take all evidence into consideration before ruling for the reporters