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Posted inNew OrLEaNS

Requiem for a Big Man Gone

After playing a night of gigs – and maybe shooting a few games of pool – Jeffrey Hills Sr. walked into the door with his sousaphone slung over his shoulder, pulled on his plaid pajama pants with a muscle shirt, made himself a little snack and crawled under the covers. If that sleep was like […]

Posted inEnvironment

Offshore wind workforce a weak link in plan to build out renewables

A national push toward offshore wind energy could create thousands of well-paying domestic jobs in Louisiana and elsewhere, according to clean energy advocates and President Joe Biden, who wants to establish 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2030. But it’s unlikely there will be enough trained and certified workers to fill those positions, and […]

Posted inBehind The Lens

Behind The Lens episode 200

Reporter Joshua Rosenberg talks about a lawsuit in St. John the Baptist Parish seeking to force the company proposing a new grain elevator in the area to pay $200 million in taxes on the project. Reporter Nick Chrastil speaks about the controversy over what records the Orleans Parish Sheriff is and isn’t turning over related to use of force at the jail

Posted inEnvironment

Mississippi River basin should be getting more USDA conservation funding, report says

A new report from the Environmental Working Group, an environmental and health nonprofit, argues that the Mississippi River basin is not receiving enough conservation funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is one of the department’s largest conservation programs and helps farmers integrate conservation practices, such as cover cropping […]