Have you noticed these markings on the sidewalk and curbs?

New bright orange paint, this is a way to tell which property is owned by the Louisiana Land Trust aka Road Home. These properties are going to end up in the hands of NORA and this week marks the first time we have seem them show up on the NCDC agenda scheduled for this coming Monday.
Here is a a sneak peek of what is on the agenda.

Errr, isn’t this the kind of house we are supposed to build? A solid raised house with an unflooded top floor. This must be worth more than a vacant lot?
And this one

And this one that looks like it needs a little work…

But this is just the start of the avalanche.
On a comical note notice the legal notice announcing the impending hearing in which they will discuss the intention to demolish this demolished property.

Dear Road Home:
Give people homes to come home TO. Do not destroy these homes before it is resolved whether displaced New Orleaneans need them or not. MAKE SOME SENSE! You need the houses more than you need the buldozing jobs to hand out.
Maxiam Baudissin
So how is everyone taking the announcement that the National Guard is leaving? Just wondering…