Housing Conservation District Review Committee Meeting Agenda October 9, 2006 10 a.m., Room 7E07 City Hall DENIED [6-0] based on the fair condition and architectural significance Oct 9 Meeting Results RESULT: Denied Owner Nedra Ricard has applied to demolish this Victorian shotgun double to replace it with a vacant lot. Result: Denied. In the Housing […]
2016 N. Rocheblave St. New Marigny {7th Ward}
*APPROVED* Housing Conservation District Review Committee Meeting Agenda October 23, 2006 10 a.m., Room 7E07 City Hall New Marigny 2016 N. Rocheblave St. Owners Stacy & Mark Andrews have applied to demolish this modified camelback shotgun double residence to be replaced with a vacant lot.
6515 S. Pierce
*Approved* Housing Conservation District Review Committee Meeting Agenda October 23, 2006 10 a.m., Room 7E07 City Hall 651-53 S. Pierce St. Owner Louis Marziale has applied to demolish this Arts and Crafts shotgun double residence to be replaced with a vacant lot.
3916 Annunciation
Fema Demolition Address: 3916 Annunciation St Owner: Avis Booker Tax Bill: 614103116 Property Description: Sq 110 Lot 19 Annunciation 30X109 3916-18 Annunciation St Du-W File #63674 2-88 Planning District: Central City/Garden District Flood Zone: B Damage Assessment Estimated Flood Depth: 0 Flood Duration (days): 0 Damage Report: 0%
Corner Store & Melpomene and Constance
I went to a District 3 planning meeting today and saw “Richard Campanella”:http://www2.tulane.edu/article_news_details.cfm?ArticleID=6719. I have been reading his latest book “Geographies of New Orleans”:http://cls.louisiana.edu/campanella.shtml and have been very impressed with the variety of information. The way in which it is presented and the ability it has to make you see New Orleans in yet another […]
Lisa Mazique and the Clio Street Nightmare
I remember when this story was first covered by the “Times Picayune”:http://letloverulehouse.blogspot.com/2005_07_09_letloverulehouse_archive.html and in looking found the blog of the folks who live next door to it. I had done some research on this house and the story of the move to this location. What is difficult to fathom is the size of this house. […]
340 S.Clark Mid City redux
Mark Folse from “The Wet Bank Guide”:http://wetbankguide.blogspot.com/ sent me a photo of a house on the “FEMA list.”:http://www.crt.state.la.us/culturalassets/fema106/readnotice.asp?NoticeID=19 It seemed from the photo that the house was in pretty good shape. I have been back three times because I could not believe that this house was in need of demolition. I looked around and although […]
What Words Can a House Speak
There are a lot of mighty cliches about houses. But now that flooded New Orleans seems to live life out loud and in public our houses are the constant chatter we live with while riding down the streets of our beautiful City. For some reason this house was making a lot of chatter when I […]
FEMA demolitions 340 S. Clark Mid City
For a list of the addresses and to comment on the historic significance of the buildings, “visit”:http://www.crt.state.la.us/culturalassets/fema106/readnotice.asp?NoticeID=19 Comments can be submitted to FEMA for a 15 day period beginning on Thursday, October 5 at the above website or by regular mail to: FEMA TRO Historic Preservation – 2nd Floor 800 West Commerce Road Harahan, Louisiana […]
Demolition by Neglect Irish Channel
The Irish Channel is located below the Garden District near the river. It did not flood. *Irish peasants fleeing the potato famine in the 1840s and 1850s debarked at Adele Street and were channeled from there to the rest of the country.* For more information on this “Neighborhood”:http://www.gnocdc.org/orleans/2/70/snapshot.html Just recieved the latest agenda for the […]