City of NO Imminent Danger List August 5, 2007 To request your home be removed from the City’s Imminent Threat Demolition List Contact : Winston Reid, Department of Code Enforcement, Phone: 915-0092.
2337 Milan St. City of NO Imminent Danger List
City of NO Imminent Danger List August 5, 2007 To request your home be removed from the City’s Imminent Threat Demolition List Contact : Winston Reid, Department of Code Enforcement, Phone: 915-0092.
Do not Even think about it
For more information and a pdf of the “list”:
Response to Judy Walker of the Times Picayune
In response to “Judy Walkers”: Times Picayune article *Hallelujah! An Eyesore Is On The Way Out* I am writing in response to the article, “Hallelujah! An Eyesore Is On The Way Out” by Judy Walker. The Hebrew word Hallelujah means “Praise Yah†(the Holy One), and in the Jewish tradition, each morning, we praise {bless} […]
The Times Picayune weighs in
In this City filled with blighted and damaged homes, it is hard to imagine how the City could choose what they did. MAybe it has something more to do where your home is located that what your home looks like. Just a thought. This house is on the list. So while there are some people […]
Irony Part 4
This house is *ON* the list. This house is *NOT* on the list.
Irony Part 3
This house in *ON* the Demolition list This house is *NOT* on the demolition list
How you got on the list, How to get Off the List. Or so they say
Notice the Catch 22 of gutting. Imminent Health Threat Ordinance Fact Sheet BACKGROUND On February 1, the New Orleans City Council passed Ordinance number 22499 M.C.S. The Ordinance, authored by Councilwoman Cynthia Hedge-Morrell, amended and reordained Chapter 26 of the Code of the City of New Orleans, to add a new Section designated as Section […]
Interactive Demo Map
“Ashley Morris”: our favorite no holds barred blogger created this “map”: Spend some time with it and you will be amazed to see what is not included as well as what is.