“This report grew out of the Mayors admonishment that investigating NOAH was hurting the recovery”:http://www.wwltv.com/topstories/stories/wwl072808tpzurik2.110ee49b.html With further scrutiny the questions continue to pile up.
No Transparency, No Recovery
These last few days have really proven that our Recovery is guided by a person who refuses to accept that the city is owned not by those who wrangle contracts out of City Hall, or those who believe the public is a body to be mocked, scorned and ignored, but rather the Citizens who have […]
we are the ones we've been waiting for
For more information visit www.theneworleansinstitute.org
The Buck Stops here…
If our reform Mayor is really interested in “reform”:http://www.nationalreview.com/dreher/dreher073102.asp he may want to start with NOAH. His first stab at reform was in 2002. We are ready for another stab at Governing the City. And if C.Ray can’t do it what about “Ed Blakley”:http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/frontpage/index.ssf?/base/news-7/1165560510312270.xml&coll=1. In the report last night he said NOAH was something that […]
NOAH and "the file"
“Here is one thing that stuck out in my mind from tonight’s report”:http://www.wwltv.com/local/stories/wwl0721089tpinvestigates.7b03a909.html I think they did a pretty good job of gutting a lot of the housing in the city, Blakely said. Whether their job was absolutely thorough or pristine, I’m not certain of that. Well then perhaps they should consider sharing that information.
Tonight on WWL TV
“Be sure to watch this report tonight at 10”:http://www.wwltv.com/video/index.html?nvid=265317&shu=1
"Squandered Heritage" In Texas
Just back from a trip to “Netroots Nation”:http://www.netrootsnation.org/node/865 in Austin Texas. The last time I was in the Convention Center in Austin it was to register for Red Cross relief. This time it was under much better circumstances. Thanks to “Al”:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/al-giordano, “Eli”:http://wecouldbefamous.blogspot.com/ “John”:http://www.johnmbarry.com/bio.htm and “Marshall”:http://www.fubcno.org/tp30_print/page.asp?ID=57474 for putting together an interesting panel. “Allan got us all […]
NCDC demolition agenda
Ray Nagin has no clue
The Administration is on “spin cycle”:http://www.wdsu.com/video/16915519/index.html on this one. Contrary to what the Mayor says, or was told to say this house was identified and cleared for demolition over 6 months ago. 3963 Delachaise has been on the city’s demolition radar for a very long time. The city knew 3963 Delachaise was in “imminent danger […]