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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

NCDC Agenda May 19 {formerly HCDRC}

*NEW BUSINESS* *INCOMPLETE WILL BE FINISHED LATER TODAY* “1907 Caffin Ave”: “1930 Delery Street”: “9437 Oleander St”: . “2514-16 N. Miro St”: . “1813 N. Johnson St”: . “8822 Edinburgh St”: “2525-27 N. Miro St”: . “2320 Mazant St”: “4624-26 Laurel St”: *City Demolitions* *Voluntary* “2732-34 Banks”: *Voluntary* 2720 Clara *Voluntary* “1808-10 Cleveland”: *Voluntary* “1626 […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Interesting Comment

This comment was left on this blog Another distressing aspect of LSU/VA footprint is that the public is generally unaware that a neighborhood is being obliterated to make way for a PROPOSED development. In 2005, someone convinced the Regional Planning Commission to adopt the currently-considered footprint (S. Claiborne to S. Rocheblanve and from Tulane to […]