While I am out shooting photographs for the next agenda. My husband is getting ready for the “Po Boy Fest”:http://www.poboyfest.com/ He designed the poster “Come visit him in his studio”:http://www.jonschooler.com/jscontact.html I may be there too.
One saved..
This property in Central City was on the last NCDC demolition agenda. a day later I received this announcement Unified Indian Practice featuring The Pinettes (All Female) Brass Band to kick things off. Come out, help us to preserve our culture. Come have some fun with TAMBOURINES AND DRUMS Pinettes start at 6:30pm sharp Indians […]
…not with a bang but a whimper
This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper. “here”:http://www.artofeurope.com/eliot/eli2.htm Last week when the I received the agenda for the November 17th meeting I didn’t have a lot of time to take the photos. So it […]
NCDC Agenda November 17 2008
Because of the budget hearings the meeting location has been moved. 2:00 p.m. Safety & Permits Conference Room City Hall 1300 Perdido Street, Room 7E07 This property is on the agenda as a voluntary demolition Looking forward to the reasoning. To see the rest of the agenda…. “AGENDA”:http://www.squanderedheritage.com/ncdc-agenda-november-17-2008/
Unreviewed Demolition
In spite of promises from the administration, including Dr. Blakley and The Director of Sanitation, Veronica White this house was demolished without review. Those promises were made in Council Chambers. When Walter Gallas from the National Trust went to the podium to offer some clarity on FEMA regulations he was chastised by Dr. Ed Blakley […]
City budgets money for destruction of lower Mid City
Kate Schneiderman, a spokesman for Councilman Arnie Fielkow, said the City Council needs to approve the expenditure of the entire $79 million. The money comes from several sources in the city budget, including the mayor’s office and the Office of Recovery and Development Administration, and she said a taxpayer perusing the budget for a lump […]
the story of one house that is the story of many…
*UPDATE* The City said the owner may be fined for the debris. Also the house will be on the agenda for Nov 17th NCDC”demolition” hearing. This house has seen a slow decline. The above photo was taken about a year and a half ago ago. We had heard that the house had been through the […]
Obama on Preservation and Demolition
The response of some to these statistics is to call for still more demolition, abandonment and neglect of older and historic neighborhoods. In the last three decades we lost from our national inventory of older and historic homes 6.3 million year-round housing units. Over 80 percent of those units were single-family residences. The vast majority […]
Charter Change Amendment
“why I changed my mind”:http://www.squanderedheritage.com/why-i-changed-my-mind/
Don't forget to Vote
One of the best live performances I ever saw back in the “dark”:http://www.answers.com/topic/richard-nixon “ages”:http://www.learningcalendar.com/this_day_in_history/days_template.cfm?history_id=60498 of the early 70’s