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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

"Squandered Heritage" In Texas

Just back from a trip to “Netroots Nation”: in Austin Texas. The last time I was in the Convention Center in Austin it was to register for Red Cross relief. This time it was under much better circumstances. Thanks to “Al”:, “Eli”: “John”: and “Marshall”: for putting together an interesting panel. “Allan got us all […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Ray Nagin has no clue

The Administration is on “spin cycle”: on this one. Contrary to what the Mayor says, or was told to say this house was identified and cleared for demolition over 6 months ago. 3963 Delachaise has been on the city’s demolition radar for a very long time. The city knew 3963 Delachaise was in “imminent danger […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage


Yesterday this house on Delachaise “collapsed.”: The reason I had a photo of it is that it was on an Imminent Danger of Collapse list. So while the City had cited it 4 times as a Health threat and then declared it officially in Danger of Collapse it stood for 7 more months. There seems […]