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Posted inCriminal Justice

Go big or go home!

On Thursday, the top civil rights prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice, Assistant Attorney General Tommy Perez, came to New Orleans and basically said what we all already knew: * The NOPD is a mess * The NOPD has drawn just about the most scrutiny in the country * The NOPD has shown little […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

That old-mayor odor

I saw this quote from Mayor C. Ray Nagin’s interview with CNN: We have this kind of idealism that at some point people are going to understand what we’ve been doing. It’s almost like an underground movement. We’ve been working underground to make sure that this city can fully recover with the hope that at […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Healthcare wins!

Great news, everybody! After delighting in last night’s historic vote to extend healthcare coverage to nearly all Americans while simultaneously lowering the long-term deficit, I put my Democratic voter registration card under my pillow and went to bed. Lo and behold, I woke up this morning to find that my acne had cleared, my seasonal […]