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Posted inGovernment & Politics

Homework for Election Day

The Nov. 2  features some marquee races, but it also has plenty of down-ballot items. Find out what awaits you in the voting booth by using the state’s handy ballot generator. And if you need help decoding those 10 Constitutional amendments, download this guide from the non-partisan Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana. It even […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

Jindal’s political future is stickier than his sand berms

A month ago I griped about Gov. Bobby Jindal’s preternatural luck. Louisiana’s “part time governor,” as I called him, had radically scaled down his dubious sand-berm idea without any negative political fallout. All summer Jindal had touted the berms as being key to winning the “war” against oil in the Gulf. Then he retreated, scaling down the plan, and neither the media nor the public turned on him.