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Posted inGovernment & Politics, Land Use

Recovery projects are progressing, but half are not yet under construction

By Ariella Cohen, The Lens staff writer | In the nine months since Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s administration took over City Hall, long-delayed capital projects have made steady, if slow, progress. Even so, don’t expect to see too many cranes in the sky just yet. More than half of 210 planned projects remain in pre-construction phases. […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Schools

Consultants give early glimpse of report on UNO-SUNO merger, stress differences

Jessica Williams, The Lens staff writer | State higher education officials heard an initial report today from the consultant studying the possible merger of Southern University at New Orleans into the University of New Orleans, who took pains to point out the vast differences in the two institutions. “When you think about SUNO and UNO, […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

Student takes role of David to creationist’s legislative Goliath

Zachary Kopplin undertook an unusual “science project” for his senior year at Baton Rouge Magnet High School. He’s  defending science itself, by advocating for the repeal of the Louisiana Science Education Act. Kopplin rightly views the legislation as costumed creationism –  ridiculous Trojan horse legislation that lets instructors  teach scientific “controversies” where none exist. He […]