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Posted inGovernment & Politics, Opinion

Tap it, Gramps: Notes on the Roemerlution and sundry tidbits

Today, let’s do a round-up of recent political news stories. 1. The “Roemerlution” continues! Last week former Louisiana governor-turned- presidential-candidate Buddy Roemer took the guest seat on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report.” This probably marked the widest exposure Roemer’s struggling campaign has achieved to date. He took the opportunity to appeal directly to “regular folks” […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics

NOPD officer accused of off-duty shooting will be retried after jury deadlocks

By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer | A jury was unable to reach a verdict this evening in the case of a New Orleans Police officer who was arrested after firing his gun during an off-duty altercation in December. The District Attorney’s Office plans to retry Officer Jermaine Lecour in September, spokesman Chris Bowman […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics

Leadership Forum impresario still hasn't paid contractors left in the lurch from April event

By Ariella Cohen, The Lens staff writer | Nearly two months after globetrotting entrepreneur Bill Loiry told The Lens that he would pay stiffed New Orleans contractors who worked on a Gulf Coast Leadership Summit held here in April, most still haven’t been paid in full. “He’s basically telling me to get in line to […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Jindal campaign funds flow from out-of-state — New Orleans donations? Not so much

By Ariella Cohen, The Lens staff writer | The latest campaign filings from Gov. Bobby Jindal show more money flowing to him from former eBay CEO and defeated California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman than from the entire population of New Orleans. The largely uncontested incumbent raised $313,859 in cash between April 16 and July 14, […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Land Use

Filled-in canal drives up cost of planned Loyola Avenue streetcar extension

By Ariella Cohen, The Lens staff writer | A bridge running over a buried canal beneath a streetcar track — the setup sounds like a backdrop for the post-industrial romance of an Arcade Fire video. On Loyola Avenue in the Central Business District, however, the infrastructure sandwich will soon be a very expensive reality – and […]

Posted inCriminal Justice, Government & Politics

Sheriff's Office to be placed under federal consent decree, jail panelist says

By Matt Davis, The Lens staff writer | The U.S. Department of Justice is in discussions that will place the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office under federal supervision, Loyola Professor Michael Cowan said Monday. “It’s my understanding that the Department of Justice has been in negotiations with the sheriff’s office and that it is likely that […]