NOLA Public Schools is lifting the warning issued last year to the school, when fewer than half of its graduating students met state requirements.
Behind The Lens episode 208: ‘She’s heartbroken’
Nick Chrastil on the jail’s controversial healthcare provider and Katy Reckdahl on the killing of an 18-year-old by JPSO and his mother’s account of the scene.
City Council delays proposed $21 million contract extension for Wellpath, controversial jail healthcare provider
Though the city proposed a year extension for Wellpath, whose contract lapsed in May, the Council deferred approval. Councilwoman Helena Moreno is pushing for a full committee hearing to assess the company’s performance.
‘No time for him to do anything’
Eighteen-year-old Calvin Cains III was killed by JPSO deputies on Tuesday in front of his mother, who says deputies didn’t announce themselves or give him a chance to surrender.
Behind The Lens episode 207: ‘It’s not sustainable’
Nick Chrastil on a “re-envisioned” gun violence prevention initiative and Marta Jewson on the school board’s skyrocketing property insurance premiums.
NOLA Public Schools braces for rising property insurance premiums
The district’s property insurance increased by nearly 50 percent last year.
Back to ‘the lion’s den’ – violence interrupters to re-start street gun-violence interventions, as city partners with University Medical Center
The city’s proposed new contract with UMC — which goes before the City Council on Thursday — summarizes its purpose very simply: “New Orleans faces a severe epidemic of gun violence. Hospital-based violence-interruption programs are evidence-based interventions that can reduce shootings and preserve health and life.”
State Supreme Court declines to take up case about Louisiana kids jailed out-of-state
The state’s highest court refuses opportunity to resolve long-standing dispute about whether shipping detained kids out of state violates Louisiana law.
Behind The Lens episode 206: ‘Decades of savvy marketing’
Nick Chrastil and Katy Reckdahl on the city’s gun violence prevention efforts. Joshua Rosenberg on the expansion of liquified natural gas in the state.
City rolls out non-police 911 mental-health response
People experiencing a mental-health crisis could be more frequently stabilized and treated, not arrested.