That’s tens of thousands of dollars per school that could have gone toward educational programs and supplies.
Louisiana’s new fossil-fuel plants have no trouble getting property insurance — despite disappearing policies for state residents.
Oil and gas facilities along the Gulf Coast have long been a ‘major market’ for specialty insurance
Behind The Lens episode 210: ‘never-ending story’
The week: More delays on Phase III, a charter school principal rises in the ranks and The Lens welcomes La’Shance Perry.
Can Neighborhood Associations Play a Lead Role in a Sustainable New Orleans?
The Central Carrollton Association (CCA), a neighborhood group, has partnered with Faith New Orleans for the last four years to lead one of the largest volunteer recycling efforts in the city.
Pushback against Phase III amps up, as construction looms
Councilman calls proposed Phase III mental-health facility, “goofiest thing,” but the new push against the facility comes as contractors gear up to start building.
Behind The Lens episode 209: ‘Can his memory inspire change in New Orleans?’
This week on Behind The Lens, Managing Editor Katy Reckdahl remembers Revell Andrews.
Conditions backslid for first part of Sheriff Hutson’s tenure over New Orleans jail, monitors find
Jail is plagued by too much contraband and use of force by deputies while lacking proper healthcare and classification.
Criminal-justice reform groups want Governor Edwards to veto these bills before upcoming deadline
The bills would roll back landmark reforms passed during Edwards’ administration, advocates say
Revell Andrews, Picture of Potential
Andrews, 18, was killed Monday — “for nothing,” as he came home from his summer job
Weeks before projected groundbreaking, Sheriff Susan Hutson files motion in federal court to stop construction of controversial Phase III jail building
City officials are mostly united in their opposition to building the new 89-mental health facility, which is slated to cost $109 million.