Relax. Cheer up. It didn’t really happen. America — today’s America — would never elect an overt racist, a xenophobe and a misogynist as president.
How did your neighbors vote in the presidential and U.S. Senate races? See on our election map.
No one else has this level of detail on the races.
Election Day 2016 peculiarities and irregularities in the New Orleans area
Our staff is collecting and catching up with any unusual reports today from the polls.
Many New Orleans voters are still driving farther to vote than before Katrina
Many polling places were flooded by the storm, so elections officials consolidated them. Ten years later, many of us are still driving farther to vote than we did before the storm. The average distance to a voting location in the core of the city has increased 50 percent since 2004.
Lens and Ukrainian journalists trade tips on reporting stories, using public records
The Lens’ Charles Maldonado and Karen Gadbois traveled to Ukraine to discussed The Lens’ work.
Our November Newsmaker event will focus on the environment
Join us on Nov. 17 to ask questions and learn more.
“The nutria did it!” and four other reasons lawmakers are letting Big Oil off the hook
Committee members attack the governor, rather than the problem.
Southeast Louisiana swings from August’s floods to October’s drought
Scientists have predicted that climate change would cause wild swings like this.
River diversions to rebuild the coast may not be as water-hungry as we thought
It’s the second recent finding showing how engineers could reduce harm to fisheries.
Whole-house rentals got you down? Get hip to ‘creative disruption’!
Maybe an absentee landlord will let me rent my former home on weekdays.