Criticism of the Orleans Parish DA’s office grew Thursday after a Lens investigation into the practice.
Rampant use and abuse of ‘solitary confinement’ key to what ails Louisiana prisons
Vera Institute study offers hope for change
Charter board delays action on Coghill teachers’ request for union recognition
It’s the fifth school to undergo a union drive in recent years.
Orleans Parish prosecutors are using fake subpoenas to pressure witnesses to talk to them
The DA’s office is sending notices labeled “subpoena” to witnesses, threatening jail time if the person ignores them. But they’re not real subpoenas. An assistant district attorney says they’re meant to persuade people who may ignore a simple letter.
Help us raise $25,000 by May 31 to #fightfakenews
Today marks the first day of our spring fundraising campaign to #fightfakenews. Our longtime funder Ethics and Excellence in Journalism presented The Lens and its audience with a challenge: Raise $25,000 and we’ll give you $25,000. With your support, we will achieve that goal during our #fightfakenews campaign. And this year, your donation through GiveNOLA Day on May 2 […]
Industrial Canal lock project: Try getting info about it from the Army Corps!
Comment period expires with questions still unanswered
At Mahalia Jackson, parents lurch from chartering to closure to uncertainty
First it was a charter effort. Then they were told it would close. Now they don’t know.
ExCEED withdraws applications to charter remaining traditional schools in New Orleans
The superintendent was scheduled to make a recommendation on the applications Thursday.
Louisiana families must give up special education rights for school vouchers
The New York Times reports that some families around the country don’t know this until they’re already in a private school.
Orleans school board committee votes to close Mahalia Jackson
The school is growing, but district staff say it’s not meeting enrollment goals.