The superintendent wants to close the school; the board has delayed a decision.
Nepotism cases against two New Orleans charter school leaders have dragged on for years
In 2012 and 2014, the state ethics board charged Paulette Bruno and Doris Roché-Hicks with breaking state law because five family members worked at charter schools they run. Years later, the charges remain unresolved.
Memo to liberal media: New Orleans hasn’t just ‘joined’ movement against white supremacy
A moment in which we deserve to love ourselves
DA can’t say how often fake subpoenas were used, and it’s too hard to look
In rejecting a public-records request from The Lens, the district attorney’s office said it was too burdensome.
Reader slams two Lens columns on Israel, declaring them anti-Semitic rants
Accuses Lens of ‘selective outrage’
Will prosecutors who sent fake subpoenas face any consequences?
The possibilities include disciplinary action, federal charges, and nothing at all.
Remembering Deb Cotton: New Orleans must hold leaders accountable for violence prevention
She died Tuesday. Here’s the column she wrote while she was still hospitalized from her injuries in the Mother’s Day second-line shooting in 2013.
Their art proves therapeutic for young poets in violence-torn New Orleans
And yet arts programming in schools nationwide is on the wane.
Our jazz is culturally black, but its global dissemination owes a lot to Italians
Benito Mussolini dug it big-time
Woman who got fake subpoena from Orleans DA says she was threatened with jail twice
One of the threats came after her lawyer asked a judge to throw out the notice.