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Posted inInside the News Room

Week in Review: Entergy’s $1.3 million power plant campaign; more fake subpoenas; climate change and New Orleans

How Entergy spent $1.3 million to polish its reputation, script support and monitor opposition to its new power plant Our reporting on paid actors who helped pack public meetings to pad support for Entergy’s new power plant was just the tip of the iceberg. This week, we take you behind the $1.3 million campaign for a new […]

Posted inAudio, Environment

Audio: As the city addresses flooding, residents take matters into their own hands

New Orleans: Ready or Not?How prepared is New Orleans for stronger storms and extreme temperatures?When it comes to stormwater management, New Orleans’ road projects are behind the timesRising temperatures strain New Orleans’ electric gridIn New Orleans, aging water system causes school closures New Orleans is a city that floods. Even a small storm can leave […]

Posted inSchools

Audio: In New Orleans, aging water system causes school closures

New Orleans: Ready or Not?How prepared is New Orleans for stronger storms and extreme temperatures?When it comes to stormwater management, New Orleans’ road projects are behind the timesRising temperatures strain New Orleans’ electric grid Climate change is bringing more intense weather, including more rain, heat and storms. And in New Orleans, extreme weather can be […]